Tania Kranzler
Pouring wine for event tastings in the Shenandoah Valley while starting her teaching career in the San Francisco Bay Area in the 1990s kick-started Tania into the wine industry. Wine education classes at U.C. Berkeley and U.C. Davis along with working in the Santa Cruz Mountains tasting room of Ridge Vineyards contributed to her developing passion about wine. Tania has explored the various wine regions in California and Europe with a focus on France and an adoration for Burgundy, Champagne, and Jura.
Tania’s spouse shares her passion for wine and together they continue to explore the California wine regions of Sonoma County, Napa Valley, Paso Robles/San Luis Obispo Counties and Santa Barbara County. They recently moved their primary home to Minnesota to reunite family and Tania began working for Rootstock. They keep California close by maintaining a second home to stay connected to the Pacific Ocean, friends, Sierra Mountains for skiing and wine, of course.